Making Baby Whitehouse
Making Baby Whitehouse
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Kaitlyn Whitehouse is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi, we are Kaitlyn and Ian, were on our journey of making our dynamic duo a terrific triplet. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility after the 2020 early loss of our twins, which happened to be the same day as our wedding. Since then, we have been in a constant state of heartbreak having undergone 6 IUI’s, and 1 round of IVF which resulted in zero viable embryos. Even through all of this we have remained so hopeful that we will one day have someone to call us mom and dad. I ( Kaitlyn) work for a youth non profit helping at risk kids gain early career skills in environmental work , and the “kids” at work affectionately call me momma goose because of the compassion and care I show them , it is my dream to show that same affection to our future children. Ian works in film and tv production, and is the most amazing person I know, he builds custom nerf blasters and cant wait to hold nerf wars in the backyard one day as a family.
Recently I ( Kaitlyn) have been diagnosed with acute hydrosalpinx with an unknown cause, the treatment for this is removal of the fallopian tubes. Leaving us with IVF as our only current option to conceive, we do not have insurance coverage for any fertility treatments and have maxed out our ability to pay out of pocket. We see this not as an end but as the beginning in what will be the greatest adventure of our lives, and we hope that you will be apart of it .
“You must be imaginative, strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let anyone define your limits. Your only limit is your soul.” —Gusteau, Ratatouille
Recovering from surgery
Surgery was very successful . Some unexpected findings but we are very happy with the results and the recovery so far. Our team at FSAC is very optimistic that we will have a great IVF cycle . We are so thankful for everyone\\\\'s support .
Hello Everyone,
Weve been having a very busy summer ! Some recent changes in diagnosis have happened as well, it looks like I have DOR or Diminished Ovarian Reserve , which makes IVF more difficult as I may not be a great responder , but also means that I dont have a great egg supply left. We are still forging ahead with starting cycle 2 sometime late August or September, but the cost has increased due to the medications I will now have to use. We still remain hopeful! -
Not what we wanted to share
Hello Everyone,
We wanted to share with everyone whats been going on over the past few months. Kaitlyn had her egg retrieval and we are so thankful that the new medication protocol was successful and we ended up with 4 EMBRYOS! 2 Girls , 1 Boy and 1 Indeterminate( will have to retest this one), After having no viable embryos from our first round this was so amazing to hear. Kaitlyn and I decided to transfer our 1 Boy embryo on October 5th, a few days later we were surprised to see a positive pregnancy test, the joy that we felt was unimaginable, how lucky to have everything work on the first transfer. HCG levels were rising normally, Kaitlyn began to feel morning sickness , everything seemed to be going right. Sadly , we found out at our ultrasound that our embryo was not growing anymore and that there was no heartbeat . We are devastated, Kaitlyn will need further testing to figure out the cause of our RPL( Recurrent pregnancy loss) and we will need to save for another FET. Thank you everyone who helped us get this far, it was successful , if only for a moment. -
New Year , New Plan
It's been a crazy Holiday Season so far. Kaitlyn's HCG hasn't gone down like we were hoping but our clinic thinks it's just because of how far along we were, more endless blood tests to happen. We did have a meeting with Dr. B who is just beyond amazing and has championed us from the moment we met him. Because of our history of multiple pregnancy losses, we are going to implement RPL empirical protocol which will include daily Blood thinners ( Lovenox) , IV Intralipids, Prednisone and possibly one more medication. I know Kaitlyn is very tired of injections, bruises and tears but we are committed to this. Thank you for everyone's continued support, we know the holidays can be rough financially so we ask that maybe you can share our fundraiser, who knows who may see it, it may help someone else who is struggling.
Name | Donation | Date |
Paula Whitehouse | $1,000.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Paula Whitehouse | $500.00 | July 31, 2022 |
Maureen Strehl | $250.00 | June 24, 2022 |
Paula Whitehouse | $3,400.00 | June 06, 2022 |
Heather Whitehouse | $3,000.00 | June 04, 2022 |
Crissa Robertson | $1,500.00 | May 04, 2022 |
Cassandra Rogers | $50.00 | April 22, 2022 |
Paula Whitehouse | $500.00 | March 24, 2022 |
H. & Wayne Bragg | $50.00 | March 23, 2022 |
Donna and Gary Weyman | $250.00 | March 23, 2022 |
Carol Sue Sherman | $25.00 | March 22, 2022 |
Meredith Logan | $250.00 | March 22, 2022 |
Nathanael Paulus | $20.00 | March 22, 2022 |

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Kaitlyn Whitehouse is organizing this fundraiser.